Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess what today is...

HALLOWEEN! The best holiday, in my opinion. Today is the day of fun, costumes, and of course....SUGAR RUSHES! And, it's a Friday. Hope you have fun tonight!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

North Korea faces BAD Food Problems

North Korea has been facing the WORST nutritional problems in over ten years. Did you know that they have only two medium- sized meals per day? Plus, their food isn't that great. So many children are getting diarrhea and over two- thirds of the country are facing these problems. And, there are 23 million people that live there! What would you do if that happened to the California?
I feel really sorry over all those kids and the other people that live there. I think the government is doing a good job of helping them, though.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween is comin up!!

What are you gonna be? Pirate? Witch? Vampire? THe choice is yours! That's why I love Halloween. You can be any one you wanna be, without people thinking that you're a freak. Halloween is the time where you can break one of parents number one rules . Get candy from strangers, and roam around at night in a strange outfit! Besides, Halloween is Friday! MOre candy, more fun. Halloween is, in opinion, the best day of the year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Affirmative Action. For it or against it?

I am completely for affirmative action. I believe that it is completely wrong to discriminate people for their race, color, religion, or gender. Especially when in involves education and other public activities. Affirmative action is the right thing to do to stop prejudices. It will create the admission to schools and jobs fair and easier. What you're opinion?

Monday, October 27, 2008

No on Prop 8!

I believe that everyone should vote NO on Prop 8 because, gay marriages will be legalized. If you say YES, only traditional marriages will be allowed. I don't understand why people would say yes. Gay people are still humans, but with different opinions and likes. It's just not fair to restrain people to marry the person they love. I really don't think schools will actually teach about gay marriages.