Thursday, December 25, 2008


I know for a fact that nobody reads this. But, since I have no life, I still post. Yeah. So Merry Christmas, to all of you imaginary readers. And guess what?! I'm going to give you a gift. The gift of Gaspard Ulliel.
Be grateful, my little grasshoppers. Muahaha. What am I doing for Christmas you say?!? Watching a House marathon of course! I wouldn't have it any other way. Okay, now I'm done..

Friday, December 19, 2008


Haro, my little grasshoppers. I usually pick random titles, but for this blog I actually have a reason! *gasp* Dreams do come true! Yeah. As most all of you IMAGINARY people who read my blog, know that today is the last day of school. Therefore, I will be asleep until January. Back to the point. OKAY! I am a TA for the main office, so the principal gave me gift. No, the gift will not be mentioned. But, I have been "working" there for three weeks, and you think the people will know my name. If you do not know my name, I will not tell you. The only thing you'll know is that it is not Yera. But, the principal thinks so. So the dude puts on the card, "To Yera, ...."I just thought that it was quite funny, so I decided to tell all of you people-or PERSON- that reads my blog.

I can't move my leg, without spasms of pain running up it. Great way to start the break, no?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gerry. With a J.

Wasting sarcasm is a sin. Yeah. Man, I'm bored. Therefore, I shall bore YOU with my rambling.
Kidding. Well not about the bored part, but about the boring YOU with rambling on and on and on and on and on. Well, actually I think that boring you with my nonsense talk will be quite amusing.But why would I do that? Eh. Have you ever had a contusion. English? Dead leg. You know, where some idiot knees you in the thigh really hard, and your leg goes all numb. No? Yes? If, no, you are awfully lucky. If you have, then I feel your pain ( no pun intended). Cuz, I got one , and....well....lets just say that I think I might need crutches. Because the moron- no names will be mentioned- kneed me so hard, that I couldn't walk for about ten minutes. (S)he said it was a "friendly gesture." Yeah. I TOTALLY buy that.
Okay, enough of the pain I am going through.

AHH!! TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! YESH! If you need me, I will be asleep until January. HA! I LIED! I did ramble on and did probably bore you! Muahaha.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hullo! Guess what I'm doing this fine Saturday afternoon? It's quite obvious actually. You should know. If you haven't guessed yet, you're an idiot. READING. Yeah. I'm am reading probably one of the best books in my life. "Immortal" by Traci L. Slatton. It's quite amazing. AH, I love the rain. Begin Poetic moment. The soft pitter patter against my window sill is bliss. The fog rolling across the mountains, blocking the luminous rays of the sun. The glistening rain drops lightened by the ever glowing street lights. Poetic moment is now over.

Tina, I officially love you. YOU COMMENTED! Therefore, you are the awesomest person in Journalism. You're awesomer then Prinz, Daniel, AND Garret!

You're poetic and slightly insane friend,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


OKay. So, I'm watching MadTV while doing homework while typing this. Overachiever, eh? Yeah. Miss Swan is flipping hilarious. "He looka like a man." Hahaha. So. Does anybody still read this blog. I seriously doubt it. Haha. Thank you Tina Tovmassion (er, sorry if I spelled your last name wrong) for saying my blog is good. I deeply thank you. Yesh. So! Learn from Tina! If you are reading this right now, comment/talk to me! I don't care if you say "Your blog sucks eggs," or "I worship you. You are my god." Well, I think I would mind if you wrote/ said the second one. Cuz quite frankly, that's just creepy. OKAY!? Okay.

Your alien dumpling,


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yeah. Told you I'll still blog! Ha. Peace. Around the world. For generations. Yup.................. *3 minutes later*..... AH. What do I say, or rather type?!? I wonder if this blog will still be on Ms. Chambers' list thing?
Why do people give each other flowers? To celebrate various important occasions, they're killing living creatures? Why restrict it to plants? "Sweetheart, let's make up. Have this deceased squirrel."
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from? Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
(Stop singing and read on.........)
I HATE it when people ask me in the movie theater, "Did you see that?" No, I paid twelve dollars to stare at the floor, genius. :/

Okay. The End. That is all. Go away. Now.

Monday, December 1, 2008

So much news.... (TWILIGHT SUCKED!!!!!)

ARG! Okay, so I'm changing my schedule-again. So, I'm changing my elective. But, I will still be blogging.

If you wore white today, because of the attacks in Mumbai, then good for you! If you didn't, I don't really care, cuz you're a cruel heartless person. I'm joking you idiots. :] You should know be by now.

Thanksgiving. I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving because my cousin was in the hospital. Yeah. So, instead of eating SOY turkey (I'm vegetarian for all of you that didn't know) I was moping around at home, worried about my cousin. I was ECSTATIC. Wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving, heh?

Books!!!! City of Glass, the third and FINAL book of the Mortal Instrument Series, is coming out soon!! Can't flipping wait.

Twilight sucked. I wasted two hours of my life. Firs off, Bella didn't know how to act, Edward looked constipated, and Jasper.....Jasper looked like he had explosive diarrhea. Not only did it ruin the book, but it ruined the 'innocence' of Edward and Bella's relationship. And this is coming from a person who didn't even like the book. I LOVED the book compared to the movie.

I'M DONE!!! *takes a deep breath*

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Meteor in Canada?!

Woah. There was a flipping meteor in Canada. A meteor! Yeah. Maybe there are aliens within the meteor. Coming to destroy the world and all of its inhabitants. Hmmm....? Yup.
Do you spend hours in front of the mirror making your hair elegantly disheveled? Proto-typical non-conformist. You are a vacuous soldier of the thrift store gestapo. You adhere to a set of standards and tastes that appear to be determined by an unseen panel of hipster judges. Giving your thumbs up and thumbs down to incoming and outgoing trends and styles of music and art. Go analog baby, you're so post-modern. You're diving face forward into an antiquated past, it's disgusting! It's offensive! Don't stick your nose up at me!When you walk by a group of quote-unquote normal people you chuckle to yourself, patting yourself on the back as you scoff. You are a FAKER! ADMIT IT!You are a FRAUD!ADMIT IT! You're living a LIE! your life is living a lie! You don't impress me! ADMIT IT! You don't intimidate me! ADMIT IT!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good morning my little dumplings

Nobody reads my blog.... :( Figures. I work so hard!! Just kidding! I really don't mind if nobody-besides this anime fan- reads my blog. It would be nice if people comment though. (Hint, Hint)
Mmkay. I'll be blunt. If you read my blog FLIPPING comment. Yeah. Okay. That's it.

I went to this assembly during P.E. today, and they had these rap performers. They were just kids! They looked like they were nine to eleven years old! And they held my hand while signing a song about cats. Ew. I was sitting in the front row, anyways. One of them slapped my hand and the other held it while saying "You're me kitty-cat." Yeah. Ew.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I didn' watch Twilight.....yet?

Yes. I did not watch Twilight. I heard that it ruined the book, and I despise movies like that. Well, the book was okay, anyways. I don't understand why girls are so flipping obsessed with it. The only reason, is because there is a hot vampire in the movie. If there was no Edward, or if Edward looked like hideous, there will be no craze for Twilight. But, I might just see it. MIGHT! But, I'm pretty sure I'm not. Yeah. That's all. Bye...!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Stupid writers block

Okay. I don't know what to write about today. I'm not hyper, I'm just flipping tired. WHAT DO I FLIPPING BLOG ABOUT?!?!? Ideas anyone? Anyone?! ANYONE?!?................................................

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mass Extinction!

Do you believe that one day, there will be a mass extinction of all living mammals one day? In English? Do you think the world will end and we will all die? I do!! On December 21, 2012, the sun will come to the center of the universe, and we will all explode! Lovely thought, isn't it? No, I am not some morbid freak that likes death and burning ants with a magnifying glass. I just believe, like the dinosaurs, humans will eventually be extinct. And cockroaches will rule the world!! Yup. I'm done. That's it. Bye.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Did you know that I love House?

Yup. I watched House yesterday. It was bliss. If you don't watch House, and you like solving puzzles, are sarcastic, and like medical stuff-like me- you really should watch it.

I have a surprise for you! This post isn't really about House! It's about books, AGAIN! SURPRISE!!!!! Just Kidding. I'll post one about books a little later. This post is, well, about nothing in particular. Just some random stuff. Like mail men. Do you ever see you're mail man nowadays? Do they look through your mail? And squirrels. Some what cute, yet deadly. They eat bird food. Imagine that. A squirrel eating food for birds. So there you go. You can probably tell that I feel pretty hyper, and when I'm hyper, I act like a total idiot. And I tend to babble a lot, too. You figured that already, I'm guessing. Okay. That's it. THE END! GO AWAY!!!!!!! NOW!!!! *jumps up and down, acting like a moron*

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Okay, I know that I said I don't like Twilight (AND I'M NOT LYING) but.....I think I'm might see the movie on Friday. Well, it seems exciting, and I have already read the books. So, might as well see the movie right? And, NO I am NOT one those crazy girls-or guys- that are IN LOVE WITH A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! Glad I got that cleared up. But, just for the record, I do think that the guy who plays Edward is flipping gorgeous. And, I also think vampires and werewolves are quite cool. Okay. The End. Good bye. Have a nice day.

Woah. I just noticed that I have a LOT of capital letters in here. OKay. Now this is the end. Seriously. Go away.

Monday, November 17, 2008


It's that time of year again....Yes! Fire time. First there was the Sesnon Fire and now there are the Montecito, Sylmar, and the Triangle Complex fires. Officials think that it was an arsen fire. It burned about 500 mobile homes and 100-200 other buildings. Thousands were evacuated. I know a couple of people whose homes got burned down. My home almost got burned down in the Sesnon fire. I think it's quite sad. The evacuees were told to except the worst and some of them experianced the worst. I hope that everything will be okay.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday. At long last

YESH! Friday. My favorite day of the week. Tonight I will watch House re-runs until I pass out on the couch. Ah, heaven. Plus, I'm going to home alone for most of the day. SO, I can do anything I want...... (joking) What do you do on Fridays?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ah! What is this? It is another post about books!

Well, as you know I LOVE to read. I am currently reading three books, at the same time. Shocker (note the sarcasm). Tamar, The Gargoyle, and The Hunger Games. All of them are excellent books. Plus, they are different genres. Tamar is historical fiction, The Gargoyle is fantasy, and The Hunger Games.....well I don't really know what category falls under The Hunger Games. Like I said before, I like books that make me wonder, make me think. And boy, have I been thinking about these books. They are all flipping amazing. I hate books that are predictable, books that are senseless and, quite frankly, stupid. Take Gossip Girls (ew) for example. Since my brain is pretty much dead today, I can't think of anything else to write. THE END, BON VOYAGE, NAMASTE, Proschi , Adieu , Arrividerci, SHALOM ( sorry. got tired of caps)!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The economy sucks

The title says it all. The economy really sucks. Seriously. AIG is still crashing, even though the government gave them BILLIONS of dollars. Circuit City and Mervyn's filed for bankruptcy. Even though gas prices lowered, people are scared to buy anything because of the economy andother rising prices. That results to a bad economy, because people aren't spending anything. Oh, and SO much money is going to the stupid war. It's quite annoying, actually. Plus there are so many freaking taxes, now! Truthfully, I think that Bush didn't do anything to help, either. Like I said, the economy sucks and let's hope OBAMA fixes it!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Books, books, and more books

If you don't know already, I LOVE reading. Yeah call me a geek, I don't care. I just read this really awesome book called "The Gargoyle." It's by Andrew Davidson. Even though it's his first book, it's probably one of the best books I've read in a while. It got me thinking about life and how we take things for granted. If you like reading, be sure you read this book! What's my favorite book you say? Tough, but my all time favorite book is..... TWILIGHT! Just kidding! I really don't like Twilight all that much. ITts too predictable. I like books that make me think, book that are unpredictable and insightful. Seriously, though, my FAVORITE book is " Looking For Alaska." One word. Amazing. If you haven;t read it, well then GO READ IT! Shoo! READ!

Friday, November 7, 2008


The war must come to an end! Thousands of men and women lives have been lost. It has gone on for so long. Besides, what's the point anyways? Families are mourning the death of the loved ones. Five years is just too long. I believe that Obama will put an end to the war once and for all. We need to create peace between these two places. Like I said, the war has to come to a stop!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OY! Prop 8 passed!!!

I'm happy that Obama won, but really depressed that 8 passed. Love should be free!! Cruel, cruel people!!!!!!! But seriously, that is just unfair. Everybody should be equal even gays! But there is a little bit of hope. They didn't count 5 percent of the votes. So, if that 5 percent goes to NO, we might just get it. But, the chances are slim. :(

(But still happy Obama won)


Yesh! Obama finally won!There's going to be a change in America, and a good one at that. Obama won by a landslide.He won 349 electoral votes to 147. At first, it was neck to neck, and then BAM! Obama won Pennsylvania and Ohio. He also got the goldmine, California. Winning by over half, Barak Obama took the title for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATED OF AMERICA!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is election day!

The big day has finally arrived! Today will be the day when we decide who will run America for the next FOUR YEARS! Maybe even eight! Who are you gonna vote for? Obama? Mccain? Or are you not voting at all? Remember every vote counts. Your votes decipher who will the NEXT PRESIDENT FOR THE UNITED STATED OF AMERICA!!
Truthfully, I go for Obama. Change we need!!


My favorite month. The weather, the color, the SALES!!! Everything is so lovely in November. Even the trees shine with the glory of November. The weather is not too warm, and not too cold. The smell of Autumn is crisp and fresh. What do you think of November?

Monday, November 3, 2008


I believe that pedophiles are horrible people. Abuse is such a wrong thing to do. Women, children, animals, and even guys don't deserve to be hurt like that. I never understood why people do it. It's just not right and not fair for anybody to go through something like that. Thousands of people and many more die of abuse every year. There should be a law or a program to prevent this. And even if there is a law, it obviously isn't doing any good. Something should be done!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess what today is...

HALLOWEEN! The best holiday, in my opinion. Today is the day of fun, costumes, and of course....SUGAR RUSHES! And, it's a Friday. Hope you have fun tonight!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

North Korea faces BAD Food Problems

North Korea has been facing the WORST nutritional problems in over ten years. Did you know that they have only two medium- sized meals per day? Plus, their food isn't that great. So many children are getting diarrhea and over two- thirds of the country are facing these problems. And, there are 23 million people that live there! What would you do if that happened to the California?
I feel really sorry over all those kids and the other people that live there. I think the government is doing a good job of helping them, though.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween is comin up!!

What are you gonna be? Pirate? Witch? Vampire? THe choice is yours! That's why I love Halloween. You can be any one you wanna be, without people thinking that you're a freak. Halloween is the time where you can break one of parents number one rules . Get candy from strangers, and roam around at night in a strange outfit! Besides, Halloween is Friday! MOre candy, more fun. Halloween is, in opinion, the best day of the year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Affirmative Action. For it or against it?

I am completely for affirmative action. I believe that it is completely wrong to discriminate people for their race, color, religion, or gender. Especially when in involves education and other public activities. Affirmative action is the right thing to do to stop prejudices. It will create the admission to schools and jobs fair and easier. What you're opinion?

Monday, October 27, 2008

No on Prop 8!

I believe that everyone should vote NO on Prop 8 because, gay marriages will be legalized. If you say YES, only traditional marriages will be allowed. I don't understand why people would say yes. Gay people are still humans, but with different opinions and likes. It's just not fair to restrain people to marry the person they love. I really don't think schools will actually teach about gay marriages.